Using Storytelling and Visual Imagery To Bridge the Gaps in the Media World

Meet Doris Hobbs, Founder at Rich in Love, Keynote speaker and host at Dose of Doris, and PR & Media Specialist who is supporting start-up brands and businesses to enhance their reputation as an accessible luxury brand. 

Doris Hobbs is a San Francisco Bay Area’s luxury liaison with 15 years of integrated marketing experience across luxury fashion & beauty, business, entrepreneurship, and diabetes awareness. She has named her the “Best of the East Bay” by Diablo Magazine and she has appeared in several other magazines, including the San Francisco Chronicle, InStyle Magazine, Hawaii News. She has also partnered with leading television stations like Napa Valley Life, UK Vogue, Glamour, KGMB Hawaii News, Modern Luxury, etc. 

But was she always destined to walk on the path of glamour? The answer is no. Growing up, Doris’ life was as far away from glamour as she could be. It was a constant battle from darkness to light, which made her realize that there was more to life than what she was living. In the search for personal freedom, she decided to walk away from her family and her old life after 27 years. The courage that led her to take the step gave her the strength to heal. “For myself, I could not begin my healing and recovery until I stopped the pain, as you cannot heal in the place you became sick,” she says. 

Doris believes that it all starts with a mindset and how we see the world today. There comes a time when your soul craves change, and you are the only person that can provide it. She says disease in our body is dis-ease, when you are simply out of balance. It took her moving away from a toxic family to make her way to better things. Diabetes may be incurable, but she knows we are the only ones who can change the way we are living. 

She wakes up every day knowing that she is doing something amazing and inspiring people to become the greatest versions of themselves. Believing in her abilities and that she is good enough has helped her to see another day, even though she was very close to giving up many times.

Talking about her YouTube channel, she says, “I have always been the type of a person if a wall blocked me from what I desired I’d find a way to break through or climb over it. I always wanted to be a public speaker, and I have achieved that and only want to grow that platform as well as I desire to have my TV show. So, I decided to create a YouTube channel and call it “Dose of Doris” where I could share advice on love, life & success, really what would Doris do? My channel has become my accountability coach, so when I find myself falling back into a rabbit hole, I can find my way out through the words I speak. We live in a virtual world, and for any of us to get our words out to the masses we must find ways that are both digitals as well as traditional media.”

The greatest turning point in Doris’ life happened four years ago, where she let go and surrounded herself with what she deserves. In 2020, she started her shadow work, where she connected with her childhood trauma and wanted to forgive those who have forsaken her. However, she learned that we don’t need apologies or closure but acceptance instead.

2020 was the year when we all were stripped away from all we knew and gained clarity on who we are and our priorities. She faced her demons and overcame them. This is when she decided to take “Dose of Doris,” her podcast from just a voice-over to a much more personal face-to-face approach. Through the YouTube channel, she is not only turning her life around but also others’. Her first episode was “Fail fast, fail often” as without failure we cannot learn right and wrong and also take accountability.

Doris has had one hell of a journey in the past years, but she made it despite all the odds. She has learned two very valuable lessons on this journey that are now her motto in life: Every setback is a setup for glamour in life and that everything is happening for you, not to you. Leaving an inspiring message for her readers, she says, “The person you wish to be is only one mirror talk away. I encourage you for the next 30 days to look in the mirror and say to yourself, ‘I love you, I love you.’ Watch how you might not be able to stare into your eyes at first. Over a few weeks of ongoing practice, you will be able to smile, cry and laugh in the mirror, only seeing you for the queen you truly are. It’s all about knowing who you are on a soul level and releasing what others told you to be and be who you need to be.