Humans of Fuzia is a dedicated platform that brings forth the extraordinariness of ordinary women. Emotional well-being is significant to us as many people continue to live with little or no external support. Violence and trauma that comes along through varied struggles must be spoken about.
Humans of Fuzia brings out stories and journeys of inspiring individuals and role models. Sheer will power and courage to move ahead despite all odds deserves appreciation and recognition. Every girl and every woman has a story to say, and many such stories have the magic to inspire and influence millions more. We believe in showcasing such journeys and stories that have the power to encourage and empower more voices.
We thus bring the experiences, struggles, journeys, thought leadership and advice of women achievers from women of different communities, ethnicities, age groups and parts of the world with the hope of nurturing future women leaders.
We are here to extend our love and support with empathetic understanding of your story and your struggles. We are here to let the world know about your strength and get inspired.
Come Join the Movement
We tell you stories of everyday women. Women who are vulnerable and sensitive every so often, but emerge stronger, victorious and inspirational with their willpower. Join us on our social handles to never miss out an update.