Carolyn Renee Sealy

Carolyn Renee Sealy is the Founder and CEO of CR The Brand Enterprises. 

She tells us that, “It’s all about hooking up creative folks with the resources they need to stick together and make their dreams happen. Right now, we’re focusing a lot on Deal 2 Heal coaching. It’s where we help creative people work through their traumatic pasts and turn those experiences into triumph.”

What were your initial years of growing up like? Tell us about your life before starting your professional journey/venture/initiative and what inspired you to choose this career.

Growing up was a real mix of high notes and low notes, kind of like a song that keeps you on the edge of your seat. I was born to a young 16 year old mom in New York City, and my dad got locked up for a long time before I even got to meet him. When I was 5, my aunt took me in, hoping to give me a better shot at life. She was all about education, and that rubbed off on me too. But, you know, life wasn’t just about hitting the books; it threw some tough lessons my way. Being told children need to be seen and not heard is monumental in why I do what I do today, help them break through limiting childhood beliefs so they can be seen and feel heard. I had to learn to navigate through feeling lost and finding out who I was, feelings of rejection because my siblings were with my mom and I wasn’t. Especially after facing something as heavy as corporal punishment or whippings that got out of hand at times. This pushed me to seek counseling for my identity crisis, mommy, and daddy issues, and which really opened my eyes to the power of talking things out and healing. My creative side includes music, modeling and acting propelled me to want to focus on creatives and our journey because I can relate wholeheartedly. That whole journey lit the spark for me to dive into coaching, wanting to be that guiding light for others who’ve been through the wringer too.

Was there any turning point in your life that changed your journey? If so, what was it? Please tell us the backstory behind it.

Absolutely, there was this huge turning point in 2012 when I got into graduate school at Saint Louis University. It was the first time moving across the country with my 12 year old son with no family or friends. It was supposed to be this big step forward in my career, but life had other plans. Moving to St. Louis shook my world in ways I never expected – from dealing with anxiety like I’d never known to going through the pain and confusion of being sexually assaulted. These experiences, as hard as they were, taught me so much about strength, resilience, and the importance of healing. They led me to cut my hair, step into plus-size modeling, and really own my story, sharing it to help others find their way through the dark.” Another was acting this past year going on what I called a trauma tour when during my certification, I had to face my own childhood demons and forgive and release to heal. This is when I realized sharing my story as I heal helps others heal. It’s no longer about what goes on in this house stays in this house, that only continues the cycle of generational trauma.

Tell us about your goals, interests, and role models.

I’ve got big dreams to spread the CR Enterprise far and wide, making sure creative folks everywhere can tap into a little pinch of my Crabby Vision magic, whether it’s through coaching, marketing and media, or even movies. I’m inspired by incredible women like Issa Rae, Ava DuVernay, and Maya Angelou. They’ve all carved their own paths, showing the world that being different isn’t just okay; it’s something to celebrate. Their stories remind me every day that I’m right where I need to be, doing what I’m meant to do.

Everyone has their own set of challenges when starting an entrepreneurial journey. Still, the most essential part for others to learn is how you deal with those. Would you like to share with us your challenges and your coping mechanisms?

Starting your own thing is like being on a never-ending rollercoaster. For me, one of the toughest parts has been battling the noise in my own head, trying to figure out how to channel all my talents in the right direction. Going through changes in my spirituality was especially tough. Growing up Christian and as an adult even becoming a minister, was especially challenging when life led me to question everything I was taught and march to the beat of my own drum, and plug directly into the source of my own Divinity. When things get really tough, I turn to food – it’s my comfort and my little escape. Sitting down to a beautiful meal or even just enjoying the process of making something delicious can really turn a day around. And when I’m not indulging in a good meal, you’ll find me deep in meditation or trying to keep my thoughts positive and manifesting to stay in alignment. It’s all about finding those little moments of peace in the chaos.

What impact do you feel you have been able to create with your work so far and how would you want to grow in the next few years?

My journey’s been all about touching lives and healing, starting with my own and then reaching out to help others do the same. From reconnecting with my mom to building up coaches and creatives who cross my path, I’ve seen firsthand how sharing our stories can lift us all up. Looking ahead, I want to take this ripple of positive change and turn it into a wave, reaching even more people and places. Plus, I’m diving into being a social-emotional learning coach for the next generation, which is a whole new adventure I’m excited to tackle.

Through my work, I’ve managed to make a significant impact on the lives around me, particularly during periods of my own trauma. I’ve taken steps to reconcile with those I felt hurt by and have sought forgiveness where I may have caused pain. This process of healing and understanding has not only transformed my relationship with my mother, allowing me to view her through a lens of empathy and understanding but has also had a profound effect on others, including coaches I work with. They’ve shared with me how even a single interaction can shift their mindset positively. This feedback is invaluable, showing me the powerful influence of sharing my own struggles and victories. Despite the common perception that entrepreneurship is a straightforward path to financial success, my journey started with more challenges than profits. However, I’ve always maintained a mindset focused on growth and potential, believing that proper management of even the smallest resources can lead to greater achievements. This philosophy has resonated with everyone I encounter, leaving them feeling uplifted and empowered. Their reactions serve as a daily reminder that I am on the right path, inspiring me to continue making a difference.

While the global pandemic of COVID-19 is associated primarily with adversities, it has also brought about a true boom in startups, with successful entrepreneurship in many countries. The pandemic has impacted all of us in one way or another. Would you like to share your experience on a personal and professional level?

During the pandemic, I found myself working for the government, navigating through various ranks within the organization. Despite the challenging circumstances, our team was essential, ensuring that critical tasks were completed, particularly in the maintenance department where I supervised custodians. These custodians played a crucial role in maintaining the cleanliness and safety of our buildings, enabling other workers to perform their duties. While I would have preferred to be safe at home, this experience reinforced my determination to not simply trade time for money but to cultivate multiple streams of income and develop skills—such as coaching and computer proficiency—that would later become integral to my business.

This period also underscored the importance of having a virtual component to my business. It became clear that relying solely on brick-and-mortar operations could be limiting, emphasizing the need for adaptability and the ability to operate remotely. The pandemic taught me the value of my intellectual property and personal story as my most significant assets, unique to me and indispensable in building and scaling my business in a way that aligns with my vision and values.

Your journey and your vision are very inspiring, but are there any achievements or accomplishments you would like to mention?

Recently, I achieved my trauma recovery and soul alchemist certifications, milestones that resonate deeply with my spiritual journey. Having served as a minister and studied theology, these new certifications allow me to bridge my understanding of both ministerial teachings and soul alchemy. This blend of knowledge enriches my ability to connect with and support others on a deeper level. Additionally, I had the opportunity to act in a movie available on Amazon Prime titled “The Wake Up Call.” Though it was an unpaid role, the experience provided invaluable lessons and growth.

One of my most significant achievements, however, is raising my son to the age of 23. Considering the challenges that young black men face in our society, reaching this milestone is a testament to not only my son’s strength and character but also to the supportive community that surrounded us. He embodies the best qualities of both his parents, including his father, who we recently lost. I believe firmly that the values and lessons instilled in him will pave the way for a remarkable legacy in the future. It’s a journey that truly takes a village, and I am profoundly thankful for everyone who has played a part in shaping the young man he has become.

Would you like to share with our young budding women entrepreneurs the change you would like to see in the world if given an opportunity?

The change I wish to see in the world revolves around the concept of unconditional love. I believe love is the key to resolving nearly everything. If we shift our mindset and perceptions about love—moving away from societal expectations and comparisons, and focusing on genuine affection and self-love—the world would be a much better place. Loving yourself means establishing boundaries to protect your well-being and embracing your true self, flaws and all. I encourage young women to recognize their worth and believe in their inherent perfection. Your belief in yourself is a powerful force that can take you to unimaginable heights.

My own journey has taught me the importance of confidence, not to be mistaken for arrogance. It’s a confidence rooted in love and self-acceptance, making it clear that others’ opinions do not define me. I’m committed to my purpose, regardless of the outcome. Remember, no one else—neither family nor friends—should dictate who you are. Only you have that power. Embrace it, own it, and live it. A woman who truly understands her worth can build nations, foster connections, and uplift those around her with her strength and grace. She becomes a beacon of love, embodying it in everything she does. That’s the message I’d like to impart to every young woman out there.


What’s the most important thing you have learned in your personal life and professional journey? What is your personal motto in life?

The most important thing I have learned in my personal life is to listen to me and my body because if I ignore me, no one will listen, and if I ignore my body, it will shut down on my professional journey the most important thing that I’ve learned is that there is no limit to what I can do the only limit is the one I put on myself, so go for it, do it, try it! I used to feel embarrassed about the fact that my résumé was literally 7 pages that I had to condense to one. But now I realize every experience was for a reason so you know what to do. Just do it, go for it and if it’s for you, you’ll keep it and get it. if it’s not you won’t don’t worry about it. My personal motto l in life is eat right, think right, act right to be truly beautiful. Meaning if I eat good things, my body is happy. If I think good thoughts I can create better and manifest. Lastly, if my actions match all of that, then I’m truly beautiful.

Women are a growing force in the workplaces worldwide, standing shoulder to shoulder with their male counterparts. There are cracks in glass ceilings everywhere, with many women breaking through to carve out a space right at the top of the pyramid. What are your thoughts about women’s leadership today?

Women’s leadership is increasingly being embraced, a change catalyzed by both societal shifts and a growing recognition of the need for diverse voices at the helm. The visibility of negative leadership has ironically opened doors for more capable, inspiring women to emerge and claim their rightful places in leadership roles. Unity and collective progress underscore the belief that success doesn’t require diminishing others—there’s ample opportunity for all. Effective leadership involves knowing when to take the lead and how to assemble a team that not only complements your strengths but also fills in the gaps. It’s about standing firm in your convictions and navigating the inevitable dynamics of power with grace.

Today’s women leaders are dismantling outdated notions of inferiority and superiority, proving that qualities traditionally viewed as feminine—like nurturing, decisiveness, and a well-informed approach—are invaluable assets. Being an integrator who can turn ideas into action highlights the unique strengths women bring to leadership. Building a supportive team around you underscores that leadership isn’t about going it alone but about creating collective success through collaboration and mutual support.

With your grit and determination, you are making a considerable impact, breaking through, and serving as role models for many budding entrepreneurs. What would you want to say to our young women leaders/audience reading this?

I’ve faced times when I was homeless, living in a shelter with my child, uncertain of where our next meal would come from. In pursuit of my dreams, I took a leap of faith and moved across the country. My message to other women is to make the most of what you have. Pour every ounce of your energy into creating what you desire, and never let obstacles deter you. Remember, as long as you have another day, there’s always hope. The only time you should stop is when it’s physically impossible to continue like death. Unfortunately the grave is full of ideas that never came to pass because the creator suffered from trauma or fear and self doubt. Don’t let your potential and dreams remain unfulfilled; they’re of no use as mere memories or unrealized ideas. Persist against all odds, and maintain love and peace as your guiding principles. Success and the ability to inspire change will follow you in every endeavor. Focus on the journey rather than the destination, and you’ll be amazed at what you can achieve.