This Entrepreneur is Using Her Expertise in Human Behavior to Assist Leaders To Become Better Managers

Meet JoAnn Corley-Schwarzkopf, Executive Advisor at Manage Global, an organization that helps executive leaders substantially improve their executive leadership & management through their expertise in human behaviour.

As a business speaker, author, and executive advisor, JoAnn Corley Schwarzkopf is helping executive leaders grow and their organizations with them. She went from working in the insurance industry to human resources and then finally in leadership development. She is currently a LinkedIn learning partner and offers courses on the platform. JoAnn’s journey in professional speaking began as a sheer coincidence. It all started when a friend asked her to accompany him for a speaking audition. As it turned out, she, too, auditioned for the company at the last minute and ended up getting the contract, launching her career in public speaking. She has now spoken in front of thousands of people in seminars across North America. She is overjoyed every time she receives an email stating that someone enjoyed her course. This response has resulted in the expansion of her company into a global community. 

JoAnn knew from the very beginning that she was going to be a leader in some way. She was into coaching from the early years of her career. One thing she loved about the job was that it meant to help people connect their inner core to their outer purpose and then translating it into something very tactical and practical. As a former recruiter, she is fascinated by people’s lives and enjoys learning about their journeys, which she discusses in her podcast. She believes that everyone has a unique soul print that makes them unique. Also, that the human community will not be the same if you didn’t exist. 

JoAnn recalls the time she was hired by LinkedIn to teach some courses for them. Her global footprint grew as the courses became popular. She changed the name of her business to Manage Global from Human Sphere. She notes that there is a huge gap between ineffective leadership and management training. She has actually lived through the gap that prompted her to relaunch Manage Global. Her leadership development program is a blueprint to develop leadership competencies involving Personal power, Community power aka managing people, and Social power. She believes in leveraging what’s going on socially to be an impact leader and to impact your business from within and without. She considers it a new modern competency in leadership. She emphasizes the fact that the leaders cannot get away anymore from social media hiring, AI, social responsibility, service to the community, stewardship, etc.

JoAnn says that a part of the Manage Global initiative is to “give voice to unconventional thinking.” She backs it with an example, saying that when a manager sees their employees from a job description, it can limit their capabilities. She feels that we should have a job scope, not descriptions. Through this approach, people can be fluid in what they do, and it can bring out the best in them. She regards people/employees as contributors. She has also launched a leadership roundtable for people who take her LinkedIn courses to continue the conversation. The pandemic gave her a perfect opportunity to build her business better. She had to stop traveling, and used this time productively for her business interests that were put on hold for a very long time. 

JoAnn has been quoted and featured in a variety of well-known media outlets. She has been named in several prestigious organizations’ top lists. She was recently added to the 2021 Top 50 Global Thought Leaders list and acknowledged as a highly recognized LinkedIn course author for Global Teacher’s Day. JoAnn Corley-Schwarzkopf is a passionate leader whose energy and dedication put us in awe of her. She likes to bring out-of-the-box concepts to the table and pushes people to really put things into perspective. Her aim is not to disrupt but dismantle. According to her, “disruption doesn’t bring change, dismantling does. True disruptors come from outside the organization, not from within.