This Entrepreneur is Helping Business Owners Find a Work-Life Balance

Meet Danielle Drew, a speaker, trainer, coach who teaches people systems to achieve the LIFESTYLE they want – not just goals – including how to overcome challenges, identify key focus areas and maximize productivity.

Danielle started her professional journey in the widely male-dominated IT industry, where she was the only woman under 25 working in the sea of men over 40. She was also a martial arts instructor, another non-female-centric profession, and is a black belt in the same. She believes that women and children should be able to defend and protect themselves. She holds the title of Renshi – which means polished, expert instructor. A skill she has effectively incorporated in her mentoring and training services. 

Drew observes that there is a significant difference in the number of money women receive after retirement from the funds accumulated while they were working. This is because they take a break to have children and care for the family. As a result, they have no way of supporting themselves afterwards. She says that when COVID hit, the women employees of hospitality, tourism, and several other industries were deeply affected. It revealed that women were very vulnerable financially. They need to be protected from divorce, loss of income, and future financial crises. Danielle is passionate about helping women understand that they need to have more than one source of income and not be dependent on their partner or husband. She is pushing them to achieve financial freedom. 

Danielle grew up in outback New South Wales with a rich tapestry of Australian wildlife and country experiences. She attended the University of New England for a bachelor’s in arts and is a certified trainer from the Australian Institute of Management. She also has a graduate diploma in human resource management from TAFE. As a single mom, raising two daughters, Danielle has had her share of difficulties. The long working hours during her martial arts days left her with no time with the family. It was not family-friendly, and she had to be with her kids, especially at night. It was tough managing a family and work. Throughout her career, like many women, she has also struggled to be taken seriously by her colleagues and supervisors. But this didn’t hold her back from working towards her goals.  

Drew began her career as a speaker, trainer, and coach nearly 15 years ago, where she teaches people to achieve their lifestyle goals, solve challenges, and increase productivity. She also trains them to become captivating speakers. She considers public speaking an irreplaceable part of our lives. It is useful for maintaining relationships, professional development, selling products, and persuading people to get a career promotion. She runs this business online with her younger daughter. The digital education market is rapidly expanding and through her services, Danielle is attempting to assist women and others in bettering themselves.

She has been training and managing teams remotely across the globe, in multiple time zones. Her training sessions are both online and face-to-face, where she tries to create a fun, positive environment for the attendees to keep them engaged. This has helped maximize learning and initiated change. She has several awards and accolades to her name for her work as a speaker. When asked about that one idea that worked for her, she says, “Recognising that if I don’t fit the ‘box’, that’s because there should not be a box.

Danielle believes that as women when we compare and compete with each other, we are dividing ourselves as a gender. United, women can make amazing changes in the world together. Sharing a motivating message for her readers, she says, “Don’t be afraid of success. Break up with doubt and fear. Recoil from average. Get clarity on the lifestyle you really want and find a guide to teach and support you on your journey towards the complete magnificent you”.