April Godfrey

April Godfrey is a hair stylist and health coach. She has 2 children, 2 cats, a puppy and 2 jobs! She is a single mother and made a commitment to herself and her children to be the best that she can be for herself, but most importantly for her children. She says that, “We have been through quite a bit, my little family and I, and as I say to my children “we will always get through to the other side.” ” Her goal is to help other people feel this kind of hope and faith and to help them get through to the other side of what they are going through, using healthy foods, meditation and a positive outlook.

What were your initial years of growing up like? Tell us about your life before the venture/ corporate journey?

I grew up the youngest of 7 children, on a farm.  My mother stayed home with us and worked harder than any woman I have ever known. My father worked to support us all. We all had jobs and understood the importance of working together and being there for one another. The things we go through in childhood can sink us or shape us. I believe we reach a point where we have to decide whether we will sink or go on to use the lesson and find strength.

Every industry that is now a large-scale, top-notch business once started as a small idea in the minds of entrepreneurs. What was that idea or motivation that made you start your business/initiative? What motivated you within to say “YES, go for it!”

After I had my daughter, I realized I did not want to put any food in her sweet little body that could harm her. Then, going through my divorce and a move of country, I REALLY realized that I needed to take care of myself through these unbearably stressful times so that I could be there for my children. I see emotionally struggling single parents feeling desperate to regain their health and a sense of themselves. I believe I can help!

Tell us something about your initiative or current role. What is it about, and what impact are you trying to make?

Sweet, Simple,Delicious started as a place to share my healthy, plant based recipes. I work with people in groups and one on one, both in person and via distance meetings. I have moved beyond only sharing recipes to helping people find more balance in their busy lives through better food choices, meditation and better lifestyle choices. No quick fixes, I am for people who are ready to commit to long term lifestyle changes. I want to help people feel better!

Your journey and your vision are very inspiring, but are there any achievements or accomplishments you would like to mention?

Of all the professional things I am proud of, the most important thing is having just bought a home for myself and my children! After so much struggle through divorce and financial devastation because of my divorce, this seemed unattainable for so long. I NEEDED to find a way to provide a steady, stable home for my children… and then of course she got them that dog they have been campaigning for… for 3 years! This is my greatest accomplishment so far, doing this on my own for my family.

Would you like to share with our young budding women entrepreneurs the change you would like to see in the world if given an opportunity?

I would love to see more women littering more women up, instead of looking for flaws or knocking other women down.

A real queen fixes a crooked crown instead of trying to knock it off.

Women are a growing force in the workplaces worldwide, standing shoulder to shoulder with their male counterparts. There are cracks in glass ceilings everywhere, with many women breaking through to carve out a space right at the top of the pyramid. What are your thoughts about women’s leadership today?

I think women are making great strides! It is empowering and inspiring. I like to look forward to the progress being made.

What would you want to say to our young women leaders/audience reading this?

There have been days that I wake up, with my children and responsibilities and financial stresses, that I have thought “I just do not know if I can do this” “I do not know how I am going to carry on or make this work” “How am I going to support my children” 

I have no other choice but to carry on, one foot in front of the other, because I have two beautiful humans who depend on me, and me alone. So I get up and I keep going. What I have learned is the the universe has my back and where there is a will there’s a way (for real!) because things are always working out for the best (even if not exactly as I had wished) and amazing things happen everyday! Keep showing up and keep appreciating the “small” miracles every single day! All of this gratitude and perseverance will pay off!