She Listens To Humans And Animals With Equal Ease And It’s Beyond Wonderful

Meet Elaine Garley- a gifted Animal Communicator and the founder of Animal & People Bridges, an organisation that takes care of both individuals and their pets. 

From a secretary in the corporate world to technical editor/writer and eventually, a certified project manager in the telephony industry- it took a lot of roles for Elaine to settle for something that she was always meant to do- being a gifted Animal Communicator and a Holistic Practitioner. She helps animals and people worldwide with health and behavioural issues by utilizing proven energy and holistic healing techniques. According to her, many of her clients successfully eliminate physical complaints and have faster recoveries. Additionally, she also helps pets express their desires as they approach the end of their lives and help pet parents through their grieving process. 

Her achievements are no less. She became an Animal Communicator around 2005, a Tellington TTouch(r) Method Companion Practitioner in 2007, and a Healing Touch for Animals(r) Certified Practitioner in 2011. She has also trained in Healing Touch (for people) and extensively studied Bach Flower Essences with the Bach Foundation.

Interestingly, her journey to entrepreneurship started in 2003 when her husband came home one day and told her to call a person in his office about a dog with a brain tumour. And it changed her life! She says, “My husband told me a co-worker was ready to euthanize her dog until she talked to an animal communicator, who told her that the dog said he was not ready to die- I was intrigued and had the communicator talk to my dog Boomer, who was adjusting to our newly remodelled house.” After seeing the results, Elaine decided to try her hand at it by taking animal communication classes and practising her skills with her friends’ and co-workers’ pets for the next few years.

One day, as she took Boomer to the vet for a physical examination, she noticed that he made a guttural growl from his belly as the vet looked into his eyes. To her, he sounded like something from the ‘Exorcist’ movie! After this visit, she tried a technique she had read about which helped dogs with the fear of vets- and of course, the results were amazing. “Boomer’s next visit to the vet went so well that he wanted to know what I had done. It was my nudge to start training for my new career. Eventually, I was so happy to leave the corporate world by way of a layoff and start a new career in this wonderful, new emerging field! So finally in 2007, I founded Animal Bridges LLC and haven’t looked back since.” Pet parents often get thrilled to find her and help them solve their problems. By talking to the pets directly and getting their exact words, emotions, and pain, she helps these pet parents solve problems or situations. 

When she started, animal communication was still a very new idea to many. She made sure that her techniques remained gentle and respectful towards animals’ behaviour and health. Her biggest challenge was to concisely explain the results she saw for the pet parents and their loved pets to the world. In the beginning, people needed to see results with their pets before they realised what was possible, so she started providing an actual transcript of her communications. Additionally, learning energy work with pets expanded her horizon to working with people too. Soon, she began using the same techniques on herself, friends and clients, which led her to rename ‘Animal Bridges’ toAnimal & People Bridgesin 2019, to reflect her years of experience of working with people too. 

Today, she even works remotely with pets in the United States and around the world. Her present challenges are to expand her business to a wider audience like most small business owners. “I help people bring out the best in them & their pet by being a bridge between them. All relationships are important to me and they all have a special place in my heart,” she says. For her, following her intuition without second thoughts is what helped her throughout her journey. She believes that if it happens easily, then we are on the right path but if we are forcing things upon ourselves, then maybe it’s time- to pause and change our direction.