Invoking the Feminine to Restore the Balance of the World is Her Aim

Meet Lori Wallace, the CEO and Founder of Career Ecology, a movement that empowers authentic relating and success for job seekers! 

Embracing career change as a gateway to wholeness, Lori’s focus as a recruiter has always been on transforming job search from headhunting to human connection. She is a depth mentor and the Founder and CEO of Career Ecology, and she believes that the time has come to take transformative job search to the center of wellness, i.e., into the space of authentic relating and personal empowerment. She says, “When each person is free to bring their gifts, then the world harmonizes.”

Lori was born in the middle of the ’60s and says that the era is seared into her soul. She has always been very sensitive and eager to protect the vulnerable. Growing up in an era of narcissim, Lori had to shake off enablement and become her own woman. She elaborates, “I have many crises to thank for cracking me open. I now feel ready to help people turn away from oppression and towards radical inclusivity.

According to Lori, the first half of her life was largely “unconscious” – meaning she was raised to be compliant. When she hit 36 and birthed her son in the midst of the 911 crisis, her life fell apart, but this was the start of a whole rebirth into authentic connection. She explains, “That was the beginning of my rebirth; the beginning of my taking ownership of my life and my impact on others. I left big banking and told my husband that I wanted to practice radical kindness in the world.” 

This decision led her to recruiting to transform headhunting into human connection by forming her own search agency. Lori realized it was time to insert compassion into home, business, politics, and other fields to truly be of service. This and the era of crisis (culture, Covid and climate) led Lori to form Career Ecology – empowerment for Job Seekers that fuels success infused with wellbeing.

Lori’s belief that “mind intelligence bows to heart intelligence” has empowered her approach that she shares with others who too are seeking wholeness. She guides people to that scene in Interstellar when Doctor Brand tells her male cosmonauts that love is the 6th dimension. Elaborating the idea, Lori says, “Love is what guides human-survival and vibrancy in the universe. It is our compass; our only way to live a fully authentic life. In my teachings, I bring it down to everyday life, like interviewing. I teach that interviewing is not an exercise in competition and performance. Rather, it is a practice of connection and presence. And all of that originates in the heart.

Lori’s work includes her book “Way of the Monarch”  which is inspired by nature and feminine-based wisdom. In “Way of the Monarch” she guides people on a 12-week journey from truth to belonging. By the end of the journey, people have learned about antagonistic mentoring, the value of stillness and feeling lost, heart intelligence and where one’s passions intersect with the needs of the world, how to communicate authentically without triggering defensiveness, the importance of diversity, and belonging in a chaotic and distracting world. 

This work is heart and soul arousing – and transformative. To keep the transformative experience alive, Lori says this,“People crave heart arousal every day, so I’m in the process of developing a pilot membership that is experiential brings micro doses of poetic form to everyday life..” It’s called Liquid Sol and will be available in 2025.

Lori has faced numerous challenges and traumas along the way, which is part of human resilience training, as she says. With twenty years of executive search experience that has evolved into human empowerment and heart liberation, Lori is ready to serve this unique moment of social evolution in our world.