Helping Organizations and Employees Succeed Through Viable HR Solutions

Meet Dr. Melanie Peacock, Sole Proprietor at Double M Training & Consulting, a boutique Human Resources consultancy focused on taking organizations’ Human Resource outcomes to the next level

With 30 years of experience in human resources, Dr. Melanie Peacock is working to improve the HR outcomes of organizations through solutions, workshops, and presentations offered by Double M Training & Consulting. She is currently an associate professor at Mount Royal University and has also served as president of the university’s faculty association. She was the first woman to hold this position in 28 years and also the first woman of color to do so. Currently, she is the president-elect for the Western University Alumni Board of Directors.

Dr. Peacock is a published author and has won several awards in the human resources field, proving her expertise. Growing up, she was an energetic and inquisitive child who always took up leadership roles. She wanted to learn more about different subjects and also about people. Before starting Double M Training & Consulting in 1995, she worked in a corporate role and wanted to find a way to share her knowledge and experiences with others. The consultancy focuses on company-specific needs to provide customized advice & tailored products regarding strategic planning, recruitment & selection, employee engagement, conflict resolution, and mediation, etc. They only serve a few clients at a time to provide better attention to specific human resource management and strategic planning needs. 

Melanie feels that change is a culmination of many ideas that synthesize at the right time in our personal and professional journey. Listening to her friends’ advice, being inspired by others, reading great stories, and having a desire to do and contribute more drove her to push her boundaries and arrive where she is today.

Like most of us, Melanie also initially struggled with a lack of confidence and experience. She felt tired of being the voice of change and setting an example for others. Currently, she faces the same challenges but has grown to let go of the majority of her fears. To all those going through the same, she says, “Rely on your foundation. It is OK to be tired, emotional, to rest, and to ask for help.

She is grateful to know that she has impacted the lives of many. Her former students revere her as a professional and personal mentor and also a role model. She has several accomplishments and accolades to her name as a result of the years of hard work she has put into transforming careers of professionals. It is a life-enriching experience for Dr. Peacock to have a job that allows her to teach, write, and present. She feels very blessed.

Melanie thinks that investing in people provides the best results, but during this, one shouldn’t forget to invest in themselves. She stresses that as a leader we need to embrace our intersectionality. She and her team are helping employees and organizations grow to offer better outcomes in terms of productivity. Leaving an inspiring message for her readers, Melanie says, “You are much more than the sum of your experiences. Your purpose is much more than what you think it is. Your future is an unknown gift that will unfold and amaze you.”