Sarah Scott

Sarah Scott is a certified Brain-Based Coach with a passion for unlocking human potential. With over a decade of experience in various Human Resources roles for international corporations,she has always believed in the power of coaching to make a significant impact. In 2022, she launched Sarah Scott Coaching to empower individuals, leaders, and teams to discover their strengths, navigate challenges, and achieve their goals. Through her innovative approach, blending neuroscience with coaching methodologies, she loves transforming lives and organizations, one individual at a time.

Tell us about your life before the venture/ leading up to your venture?

Before venturing into entrepreneurship, I had a fulfilling career in Human Resources spanning over a decade. My journey was marked by diverse roles in big international corporations, where I honed my skills in talent management, leadership development, and organizational effectiveness. However, amidst my professional success, I felt a deeper calling – a desire to make a direct and profound impact on people’s lives. This realization became more pronounced when I was pregnant with my second child, prompting me to reassess my priorities and seek a balance between my career aspirations and family commitments.

Driven by my passion for coaching and a vision to empower individuals to unleash their full potential, I pursued certification as a Brain-Based Coach in 2021. This pivotal decision laid the foundation for my entrepreneurial journey, culminating in the launch of Sarah Scott Coaching in 2022. By taking the leap into entrepreneurship, I found the flexibility and autonomy I craved, allowing me to align my professional endeavors with my personal values and aspirations.

Tell us something about your organization. What is it about and how is it helpful for people?

Sarah Scott Coaching is not just another coaching service; it is a catalyst for transformation and growth. At its core, my organization is dedicated to empowering individuals, teams, and organizations through a unique blend of brain-based coaching principles and cutting-edge neuroscience research. My approach goes beyond conventional coaching methods, focusing on rewiring the brain for optimal performance, enhancing their decision-making, emotional intelligence and resilience through personalized coaching sessions, tailored coaching journeys, and workshops. This fosters continuous growth and adaptability in dynamic corporate environments.

Central to my coaching philosophy is also the integration of The GC Index® (a.k.a The Game-Changing Index), a revolutionary tool that provides insights into individuals’ potential and energy for impact. By leveraging this tool alongside brain-based coaching techniques, I equip my clients with the knowledge and strategies to navigate challenges, enhance decision-making, and foster continuous growth.

As a corporate coach, my services are designed to empower individuals at all levels. I offer personalized coaching sessions (e.g. “CXO Collaborator Sessions”), specific coaching journeys (e.g. “People Manager Game Plan”, “Your Career Transformation Program”), workshops (e.g. “Impactful Leadership Teams Workshop” and Neuro Bites (shorter Workshop-style learning sessions depending on specific corporate requirements) which all integrate brain-based coaching principles. 

What has been the response of the consumers towards your venture?

The response to Sarah Scott Coaching has been overwhelmingly positive, with clients experiencing tangible results and breakthroughs in various aspects of their personal and professional lives, e.g. performance, decision-making, and overall well-being. Through personalized coaching sessions, workshops, and coaching journeys tailored to individual and organizational needs, I’ve garnered recognition for my ability to inspire and empower.

Because of my dedication to empowering individuals, I am proud to have received recognition for my innovative approach, including accolades for our impact on corporate coaching. My innovative approach, incorporating neuroscience and The GC Index®, has been lauded for its effectiveness in driving sustainable change and unlocking human potential, especially in the corporate world. Clients have expressed gratitude for the transformative impact of my coaching, citing increased clarity, confidence, and resilience as key outcomes.

How has your life changed because of your venture?

Launching Sarah Scott Coaching has brought profound changes to my life, both personally and professionally. As an entrepreneur, I’ve experienced the fulfilment of pursuing my passion and making a meaningful difference in the lives of others. The flexibility afforded by entrepreneurship has allowed me to strike a balance between my professional endeavours and my role as a mother, providing me with the freedom to prioritize my family while pursuing my career aspirations.

Moreover, my journey as a coach has been marked by continuous personal growth and learning. By immersing myself in the field of neuroscience and coaching, I’ve gained invaluable insights into human behaviour, cognition, and performance. This ongoing journey of self-discovery fuels my passion for empowering others and serves as a source of inspiration for my clients.

What are you working on right now?

Currently, I am focused on expanding my coaching offerings and reaching a wider audience with my transformative programs and workshops – especially individuals, leaders, teams and organizations in need of support. By leveraging my expertise in brain-based coaching and The GC Index®, I aim to empower individuals and organizations to thrive in today’s dynamic and ever-changing world. I’m continuously refining my approach to stay at the forefront of coaching and neuroscience, ensuring that I provide the most effective strategies for unlocking human potential and achieving lasting success.

Give a motivational message for the audience/women who are reading this.

To all the incredible individuals – especially women – reading this, I want to remind you of your resilience, strength, achievements and UNIQUENESS. Each step you take, no matter how small, contributes to significant change. Embrace your uniqueness, support one another, and together, let’s create a future where diversity is celebrated and integral to success. Remember, you have the power to thrive, and with determination and support, anything is possible. Take proactive steps towards your goals, seek mentorship, and build networks that foster support and empowerment. Go get your dreams!

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